Prayer Board

UPDATE: Tina is still fighting. There were some concerns with her EEG, but we are waiting on her MRI which is scheduled for Wednesday to know more. I am posting to ask my family and friends to pray for my mother-in-law and my family. Yesterday morning my MIL was admitted to the ICU after being found unresponsive in the wee hours of the morning. At some point between the 911 call and her arrival at the hospital, her heart stopped and CPR was performed. Once in the hospital it was discovered that she had some internal bleeding and broken ribs.
Knowing the broken ribs were from CPR and assuming the internal bleeding was as well, they decided to do an EEG. I believe God intervened because the Drs became so concerned about the amount of internal bleeding that they forwent the EEG in favor of a CT scan of her abdomen. This led to the discovery that surgery was needed immediately. During surgery, it was discovered that Tina had a fatty mass somewhere on her digestion system (I am unclear as to the exact location). This is what led to the extensive bleeding and likely contributed to her cardiac arrest. It was removed and sent to pathology. They are keeping her open because they also discovered her blood was not clotting. This has greatly improved since yesterday evening and we pray that continues. The goal is to be able to close her back up tomorrow evening. Please pray with us that Tina keeps fighting and that her EEG comes back with positive news. The Drs didn’t think she would make it through surgery but God saw fit to sustain her and keep her with us. We are praying that her blood continues to clot so the bleeding completely stops. We are praying that the Tina we know and love comes back to us. We are praying that whatever happens next, God’s will be done and His name will be glorified.  Thank you for praying with us!

John Lippencott is asking prayers for his brother, George.  He has been diagnosed with bladder cancer.

Please pray for my friend for total healing,  ~Diana Graves

Please pray for Pam Epps, she had her gallbladder removed this morning. All went well and she should be going home soon.

Please pray for Vernon Britt, he had surgery this morning and all went well and he got good results back! 

Please continue to pray for Tina Clark.

Update on Chris Kennedy: Surgeons just came in. They said he responded well to the blood transfusion immediately, but his previous labs showed another drop. They think it is the amount of fluids they are pushing through him so they have stopped all IV fluids. He is staying another night so they can watch him. His drain is still producing blood but they are saying it is old blood so that is ok. He is still in a lot of pain in his upper belly. He’s eating and drinking well and using the bathroom on his own. Continued prayers for Chris. Thank you all so much

Update on Pedro Olvera:  Procedure is done. We will have results in the next a couple of days. 
Please pray for our dad, Pedro Olvera. He goes in this morning for an Endoscopy. We are praying this will help us know why he is having pneumonia. It is at 9 this morning.  Other procedures will follow in the next few weeks.  ~Rosio Newton

I just got this text from Shannon Clark…  “We need a miracle for Tina to make it.” Please stop and ask God to intervene!!!

4:30 AM: Please pray for Tina Clark, who is in critical condition in the emergency room at Christus.

RE:  Chris Kennedy 
Update: Per Ms. Melissa

  • Surgeon just came in, it is blood. Blood is bad if it’s continually filling up. He is getting a second iv and heading straight to ct scan. They need to see if it’s active bleeding. If it is he will have a surgery with an interventional radiologist asap. That is why he is in so much pain. 
  • Please pray for doctors and all testing. Please continue to pray. They had to rush Chris back to the hospital for surgery to remove fluid. Pray they can get his levels where needed. Thank you church family
  • Chris had his gallbladder removed yesterday and all other vitals leveled out. He has been released from the hospital.  All praise to God!Thank you church family.

Please pray for Ms. Melissa Clayton’s son Chris. He is being transported to Baylor for emergency gallbladder surgery. His liver levels are dropping. Thank you church family.

Please pray for Monica Kuykendall. She is in surgery now for her broken arm. 

Please keep Lena Hall in your prayers, she is also having g surgery this morning.

Chuck Youngberg’s right side of his back is swollen today and he is asking for your prayers. The spot on his head he had frozen off on Friday appears to be healing properly.

Please pray for Buddy Faucett. He doesn’t know what he did to his back. But he is in severe pain. He is currently at ER getting a CAT Scan. 

Please pray for Jon Bradford and family. His dad passed away Sunday morning. Here are the arrangements.

The doctors in Dallas have found that Buster had 2 strokes in the front part of his head…..please continue to pray for Buster, Patty, and family. Thanks in advance for all your prayers.  ~Lana & Em

Please pray for Monica Kuykendall. She fell today and has a fracture. She will have outpatient surgery early next week. Pray for her and Mark.
Please pray for my momma Monica Kuykendall. She fell in Walmart this afternoon and has a radial bone fracture in the joint. The doctors are deciding if she needs immediate surgery or can wait until next week.  She has been in a great deal of pain.

Please be in continuous prayer for Buster…he is in Dallas at Baylor and they are starting to run tests for many different issues he might have. Also, please pray for his wife, Patty to have peace and comfort in this situation. Thanks in advance for all your prayers. Lana & Em

Please pray fervently for Mr. Buster Bell. He and Patty are dear friends of many in our congregation and their son, Isaac Bell, is a student at our Academy. He’s in a rough place health-wise and needs a touch from God.  Thank you for interceding for him.

Chuck Youngberg will have his cancer spot frozen off on Friday. No surgery!

Please keep Rosio Newton’s sister, Jody Crowder and family, in your prayers. Jody was diagnosed with breast cancer and meets with the surgeon on Thursday.

Please pray for Gayle Beams. He had a fall and broke his hip. He is at Regional and is going to be admitted. Gayle is in quite a bit of pain. Please pray for wife Pat and daughter Tami as well.

Please put Buster Bell on your prayer list. Was admitted to hospital Monday evening with unknown conditions and has taken a turn for the worst. His grandson Ethan attends the Academy.

Update on Janie Holmes (Christy Mayfield’s mother)  She will receive a cement treatment into her spine at the fracture on October 29th.  This will hopefully stabilize and strengthen her back.  

Update on Jan McNeal – She is out of a regular room and is now in rehab.  She will remain in rehab until Monday.  Please continue praying.
Prayer Request:  Jan McNeal’s sister’s family Caroline and Hilton Hitt and family Keith and Kathy Grady are in Florida in the lines of the Hurricane.  Please pray safety over them. 

Having another injection in my left eye tomorrow, pray it goes well with no complications this time. Curtis Allen

Re:  Krista Campbell:  Her surgery has been rescheduled for November 19. Please continue to pray for the pain she is in and that her hemoglobin will not drop any further…its at an 8 now.

Please keep Bro. Rolando Reyes’ father in your prayers. He has cancer for the 4th time (different cancer each time), and has beat it every time. He will have a procedure tomorrow and at that time they will also put a port in for chemo. Pray for Bro. Rolando and his family as well.

Chuck Youngberg had a skin biopsy done on head that looks like cancer.  He will know in about 4 days how they want to proceed.  Please keep him in your prayers.

Pray for Krista Campbell. She is having a hysterectomy at 10:00am on Wednesday, October 9 at Christus.

Continued prayers for Kevin Olson.  The spot on his lungs that was once considered scar tissue may be something else.  They are meeting with the pulmonologist and oncologist to determine what the next step is.

Please pray for Becky Stewart. She is about to go into surgery on her knee at Northpark.

Update on Mary Walton: The cat scan showed a small spot. They are taking her to UT Tyler for observation and maybe the night. Please pray.

Please pray for Mrs. Mary Walton. She fell this morning at the church getting ready to provide a funeral meal. She had a cat scan. Waiting for results. She is still alert.  She hit the back of her head and bled a lot which is normal with a head wound. They stitched it. She is at Longview Regional.

Paul Storie passed away October 1. Visitation is Friday, October 4 from 5-7p and Service Saturday, October 5 at 10am.  Both at Downs Funeral Home, Marshall.  Keep this family in your prayers.

Please pray for the family of Paul Ray Storie. Paul passed away earlier today. Pray for his wife, Geral, daughter Amy McMahan, and all the family. Details are coming soon.

Please be praying for Judy Rodgers, she has been diagnosed with breast cancer. Waiting to hear from surgeon and oncologist.

Please remember Kelly Yoder and family in prayer; niece to Carolyn Nelson.  Kelly’s 27 yr old son tragically passed away.

Please be in prayer for our friends…Mike and Shelia Ray. Mike had a knee replacement and was really doing well…no more pain and was able to walk some without the walker. He tripped and fell on the new knee…broke his patella…had bad pain and had surgery on it today. Shelia is having some liver issues and some new meds, so please be in prayer for them. Thanks in advance for all your prayers. ~Lana & Em

Please pray for Paul Storie.  He has been in the hospital for 12 days, got out 2 days ago and went to the ER again at 2:00 am this morning. Bad pneumonia, swollen stomach and legs. Please pray for for Paul and Geral and family. He is at Longview Regional.

Donna Liberto’s daughter, Teresa, has just passed away. Please pray for this family in their time of great need.

Praise the Lord, I am going home from the hospital today! God is good. Over time, my blood clots will dissolve. I will be on blood thinners for the next six months.  ~Sue Olson

JW Foster’s Dad had a medical emergency last night.  He is septic and in critical condition in the ICU at Regional and needs prayers for healing.

Please keep me in your prayers. I developed a blood clot in my leg after knee surgery and pieces have broken loose and are in both my lungs. I’m being admitted to LRMC tonight for treatment. ~Sue Olson

Please pray for Paul Storie. He is in Longview Regional. He had surgery today. Will probably be there another couple of days. Please pray for Paul and Geral.

Brenda Soules is home and doing well.  Pain is manageable.  Pray for continued healing and recovery.

We received a call from our brother yesterday to tell us his oldest grandson, Brody Whitten, was in an auto accident Saturday night and did not make it. He was 18 years old and had just graduated. Please keep our family in your prayers.   ~Delores Hill and Mary Lippencott.

Brenda Soules is still doing well please continue to pray as she recovers and pray that all pathology results come back good. 

Please pray for Linda Pierce she had vein surgery in her right leg and is recovering. She will go for a check up on Tuesday to make sure no blood clots. Then the 27th on Friday left leg. Then check up. 

Brenda Soules is out of surgery and doctor said everything went great. In recovery now. Thank you for praying.

Please keep Brenda Soules in your prayers. She is having surgery at Longview Regional this morning.

Please pray for Barry Millers oldest brother, Bill Miller. He is at a Transitional Care Unit in Parmly MN but was transferred to a critical care unit at a hospital in Fairview MN last week.  He has cardiac issues, as well as other health issues that prevent him from living independently at his home.There will be a meeting with his drs and Hospice Friday morning to determine what steps need to be taken on Bill’s behalf.
Asking our church family to pray for guidance as decisions are made and for Bill to accept whatever his care needs to consist of.
Barry’s brothers and sisters all live some distance from Bill in MN which makes it difficult for any of us to get to see him as often as we would like. Please keep Bill and the other four siblings in your prayers  Thank You so much.

Sue Olson is home and doing better following surgery, pain is manageable.
Kevin Olson had a routine CAT scan to keep tabs on his kidney cancer and they found a lymph node to be enlarged.  They ordered a PET scan immediately.  Please keep this family in your prayers. The Olson’s would like to thank everyone for their prayers and ask for continued prayers.

Please pray for Fred Tipton, he is at Longview Regional and is going in for a heart procedure in a little while.

Please pray for Sue Olson. She just came out of surgery and is in a deal of pain. Please pray as she recovers.

Please pray for Bryce Roach , 23 years old. He was in a major motorcycle accident . Airlifted to Tyler hospital in ICU in a coma. He has very little brain activity..Doctors are not sure when or if ever he will wake up. Pray for a miracle for this young man.

Barry Higginbotham had a heart cath this morning and everything looked good and was clear.  Patty and him thank you for the prayers.

Faye Fritts is home and her blood pressure is okay. She is experiencing some vertigo. Please continue to pray for her healing.

Pray for Barry . He will have a heart cath Wednesday. They are draining fluid off his lungs and heart now. He is In Good Shepherd room 333.

Please keep Sue Olson in your prayers. She is having knee surgery on Thursday at Physician Surgical Center on 4th Street.

Please pray for Bill Davison’s brother, Steve. He is at the ER in Tyler with ongoing heart related issues. Doctors can’t seem to find out what’s going on. Please pray for answers and healing.

Keep me in heavy prayer.  ~Anthony Roberts

Please pray for Barry Higginbotham. He is being admitted to Good Shepherd.    He was having symptoms of a heart attack but they didn’t see anything. They want to admit him and keep watch just in case because of his history. Please pray for Barry and Patti.

Faye’s morning CAT scan still showed no brain bleed.  She does have some dizziness and blood pressure problems.
CAT scan showed no brain bleed when Faye Fritts arrived in Tyler yesterday evening.  She was kept overnight for observation.  They will do another CAT scan this morning.  Continued prayers that it will be good and come home today.

Please pray for Faye Fritts.  She has been taken by ambulance to Tyler with a brain bleed.  A truck backed into her in the parking lot as she was going to an appointment and caused her to fall.  Her daughter is with her.

Bonnie Tiffin will have ankle surgery today at 1:00 at Good Shepherd Northpark out patient. Pray for the coming days of healing.

Jon Cooper’s brain surgery was successful. He is in a lot of pain. The doctor said he would be in this pain for several days. Pray for John that this pain will be lessened. He will be there for about 10 to 14 days. Pray for Tina as she is with him.

McKenzie McCarty, who has visited a couple of times, asked for prayers for her 1-month-old baby, Corey.  Her baby, a preemie, is in the hospital in Dallas.

Mary Tucker is out of the procedure and no blockages! Praise the Lord! Continue to pray they will find out what is causing her problems.

Please pray for Mary Tucker, she is going in for a heart cath soon.

Pray for Jon Cooper as he has a procedure in Dallas, Tuesday.

Pray for the family of Richard Holt as they mourn for the loss of him.

Joy Savage is in Longview Regional with a serious UTI. She also has brain displasea. Dr. Hopes that will clear up when they get the UTI under control. Pray for Joy and her son Ron.

Just talked to Bonnie Tiffin…James will go Monday to Mt Pleasant Titus Regional Hospital to the 5th floor to get his meds straightened out and to be evaluated…Bonnie did break her ankle, but she is still at Havencare and will go see Dr Michael Stanley at his office on Tuesday to get ankle evaluated to know what the next steps will be to get her ankle fixed. Please continue to pray for Bonnie and James.  Thanks in advance for all the prayers.

Update on Bonnie Tiffin. Moved to skilled nursing facility. Fell broke ankle will have surgery Tuesday. James was moved back to facility in Texarkana. He took the doors off the hinges accidentally hit one of nurses.,They sent him to psych ward at hospital. Can’t find a facility to take him. They are planning on kicking him out on the street Monday if no facility will take him. Jeff has been in Texarkana since Thursday with him. Bonnie is in need of prayers.

Ali had a successful Kidney stone removal surgery. She will be having another one scheduled very soon. Please remember to keep praying healing for her.

Please pray for Caleb Tate. Caleb suffered a pretty nasty concussion last night. Please pray for him! CT scan at ER showed no bleeding! They will follow up with the doctor today.

Ms. Betty Wilson has a serious health issue and has been put on Hospice at Longview Hill. Room 310. She has fluid build up around her heart and doctors don’t want to do anything at this point to prolong life.  Please pray for her and Debra Alford her daughter, as she cares for her.

My son, Marc, is back in hospital with a serious post op infection. Surgery to clean wound out is at 10:45. Would you join us in prayer please? He is on sepsis protocol, so very serious. ~Roger & Sandy Hamilton

Ms. Marilyn Crowe’s heart lead surgery was successful. She is back home at Eden Place. Thank you for the prayers.

Please pray for the family of David Findley in San Angelo. He is my youngest stepdaughter’s father in law. He is in early stages of dementia. He fell 3 times this morning and his sodium level is zero. From what I’m told he may be in a coma. My son in law is headed there from Houston. Please pray for traveling mercies for Jeremy as he travel.  ~Daryl Liles

Would yall pray for my mom, Janie Holmes.  She fell a few weeks back and has had some terrible pain.  She has been seeing a few different chiropractors but today had scans that showed a broken T12.  Waiting to see if she will need surgery or not.  ~Christy Mayfield

I am asking for your prayers concerning the disease I was diagnosed with in June. It is Giant Cell Arteritis. I thought I could keep it between me and God but I realize this is going to require my church family, family and friends. I have never felt so helpless in my life. Please pray that I can reduce Prednisone so I can get my strength back. Please add Al and Madi to your prayers as well. They are having to do everything around the house. This is a new dependence on them that I have never had to experience, I know you are prayer warriors and my family needs all the prayers that you can offer to the Almighty God! Thank you in advance of what He can do through you!   ~Jan McNeal

Mike is out of surgery and in recovery. PT will be down in a couple of hours to get him up yo walk. Doing good so far. Thank you Jesus!

Mike Fincher will have a knee replacement Tuesday September 3 at Longview Regional. Pray for the doctors and a successful recovery for him. Pray for Laurie as she takes care of him .

Roger Manning’s baby sister, Rhonda, suffered a heart attack two weeks ago while presiding as President of the Retired Women Marines of America in Atlanta. They put in two stints and she returned to duty. When she returned home she was still suffering from symptoms and was admitted to a hospital in Williamsburg, VA for another procedure.  That surgery was unsuccessful and she was transferred to another Hospital with a blood clot in her arm and two more stints to be put in tomorrow. Please pray for her caregivers and her husband during this trying season of life.  And thank you father for her strong faith and trust in your loving kindness

Bob Gilley had 2 stents and did very well. He will be going home later today.

We just returned from Macedonia on a mission trip with Randy and Debbie Fair. Debbie’s mother is in the hospital and she is flying home to be with her. They are in San Angelo. Please pray for Freida Sinclair and pray for Debbie as she travels home.

Please pray for Mary Kay Gunter, her mother passed away several weeks ago. This has proved to be a challenging time for this family and they need your prayers.

Laura Lynch’s daughter, Lisa, saw doctor yesterday in Dallas. Tumor is shrinking – Good Report!

Continue to pray for Bob Gilley. He will have 2 more stents put in Friday in Longview.

Tom Ivy is not doing good. Waiting to hear from Doc, said he was probably about to call ambulance to take to hospital, said there was no way he could ride in auto. Pray for Tom and Judy.

Please be in prayer for the son of Richard and Cheryl Hardy and their son Dustin. He was involved in a vehicle accident several days ago. He had been released from the hospital and has been having some headaches. His head was injured during the accident. He is in the hospital and they are operating on his brain. Please pray for the family and the surgeon, and other staff as this surgery continues. May God be in control of everything.

Update:  Scott’s brother, Jeff passed away this morning about 6:30.  We were on our way to see him when we received the news.  We are back home now. Thank you for your prayers, Scott & Dana Mathias

Jan Beaty’s granddaughter was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer two years ago. Thankfully it went into remission. But now the cancer has spread to her liver and lungs. She has begun chemo again. She’s 35, married and has 3 children and most of all she is a Christian. Please pray for her.  Her mom Kim is a devout Christian and has been by her side through all of this. But she said last night this burden is too big for her to carry. A mother’s love is stronger than any other. Please pray for her too.

Update Tom Ivy…Surgery went fine. He said that other than lifting heavy items, he can do anything he wants to! The best thing for Tom. –  is he doesn’t have to sleep on his stomach!

Bonnie Tiffin has been in the hospital for 9 days in isolation but is out of isolation as of yesterday. She collapsed at home. Stroke has been ruled out.  She has a very bad case of shingles but is improving.  She can have visitors at this point – Christus Good Shepherd room E318.

The doctor released me to walk with the walker. He told me to use good sense in how much I walk ….I agreed! Stitches and pin were taken out. Still have to wear the boot for four weeks until I go back for another x-ray to see how it is healed. Thank you all for the Prayers that have been given for me. I have been truly blessed with so many great warriors.  Love y’all Gloria

Please pray for Lexi Hall. She has an iron infusion this morning. Last time she had a reaction to it so prayers are greatly appreciated.

Bill Lehr is home recovering from a heart attack – 3 stents. He and June both need prayer for their health issues.

Please pray for Laura Lynch as she deals with having covid for the 3rd time. it is severe.this time. She thanks you in advance for your prayers.

Our mission team is about to set out, and we humbly ask for your prayers. Pray for our safety, that we stay united in God’s purpose, and that we might be His hands and feet, sharing His love with those we meet. We deeply appreciate your support and prayers as we seek to do the Lord’s work.

During The last several weeks Bill Miller in Minnesota has been having many more health issues, going back and forth from rehab to the hospital multiple times as doctors try to establish care protocol for him. Infection, swallowing issues, dehydration, weakness to name a few. Would greatly appreciate prayers for him as well as the other 4 siblings . The distances between them causes problems with how best to care for Bill. This is a wonderful Christian family that loves and serves the Lord in many capacities. We know our God is Faithful and are trusting Him throughout this process. Thank you in advance, Danna and Barry Miller

Please be in prayer for our friend Buddy Zimmerman. He is in Baylor Scott and White Hospital in Plano. Lost 30 pounds in 2 m0nths, swelling, fluid around heart and shortness of breath and fatigue.  Checked  heart and labs, so far all is coming back ok. Not sure what has caused all his symptoms. Thanks in advance for all your prayers.  ~Lana & Emily Snider.

Lew Ann is a friend of Bobby and Cindy Wells. She has been having some problems with her lungs and a fungus in her lungs. Bobby Wells called and said that she went home to be with her Lord this afternoon.  Please be in prayer for the family.

Thank you, church family, for your prayers yesterday for my surgery!  God answered so clearly in many ways and Gordon and I are so grateful!  –Brenda Bevis 

Please pray for Lem and Dianna Tennisons grandson: Cooper Dupree. Cooper has a tumor on his right femur and is having tests done at St. Jude’s in Memphis. Please pray for this family, pray that tests come back good.

Received a call from Richard Holt’s daughter letting us know he’s moved into Assisted Living.  Has had some health issues and could use some encouragement from the church family. You can mail a card to:
Richard Holt
c/o Heartis Senior Living Room 211
1408 Lago Trail
Longview, TX   75604

Praising God for a good report on Wayne & Marian Hare’s daughter, Amy Miller.  She’s had her last chemo for ovarian cancer and rang the bell!  Will only go for check-ups; Praying this is the last of her cancer.  Thanking God to be able to continue to teach as a First Grade Teacher!

Danna Miller is having a heart cath in a few minutes, then tomorrow she will undergo a heart ablation.  She is in room 1715 at Regional.  Please keep Danna and Barry in your prayers.

Laura Robinson’s daughter goes back to the surgeon in Dallas on August 27 to have her eye checked.  Please pray for a good report.

Please keep Brenda Bevis in your prayers today. Pray the Lord allow her surgery today, scheduled for 1pm, to be successful.

Pray for  Becky Roberts and her husband Stan, John Zenter’s sister.  Becky took a fall that resulted in surgery to repair a fracture to her leg. Pray for her complete healing and Stan as he tends to her.  Also, please remember John Zenter as he continues to try to find employment.

Danna Miller is at Longview Regional in room 1715. She will meet with cardiologist and Electro Physiologist tomorrow.

Our son, Marc Hamilton, was in a horrible car wreck this morning. He will have reconstructive surgery tomorrow for a crushed pelvis. He also fractured his spine and broke his knee cap, but that isn’t as concerning according to the surgeons. Thank you! ~Sandy Hamilton

Dana Miller is at the Emergency Room in Longview Regional. She having Heart problems. Please pray for her and Barry.

Kathy Pepper is having surgery today to repair a torn bicep.

Please lift Jackson Torres in prayer.  He is Sondra Lockhart’s 10-year-old cousin.  He was having pain at school.  Turns out his appendix was leaking and given antibiotics.  He is on the mend.  What a way to start school.

Remember Tom Moore in prayer this morning.  He will have eye surgery this afternoon in Tyler.

Thank you for faithfully praying for my friends, Craig and Jenny. My text today from Craig said that Jenny has had a good 24 hours. They are hoping she is released tomorrow for inpatient rehab here in Longview. They are so grateful for all the prayers and I am too.  Woodland Hills is blessed to have faithful prayer warriors.   God bless you, Gracie

Please be in prayer for Janice Davison sister, Valerie Owens. She lives in Georgia and is in ICU on a vent with heart issues.  Thanks in advance for your prayers.

Please pray for my sister, Rhonda. She lives in Williamsburg, VA, but was serving as President at the Retired Women’s Marines convention in Atlanta when she suffered a heart attack. They stabilized her and put in two stints and she is on the mend there now. roger manning

Charlie Johnson is out of surgery and back in room. Everything went well. He said his hand doesn’t tingle anymore & grip is back. God is good!!!

Thank you for praying for Tommy & Layna Williamson and baby Nate!

Praise God they are on their way home now from Children’s Hospital in Dallas!

Mike Fincher is out , awake, and ready to go home and eat meat loaf.  Dr. says everything was better than expected. No new stents. No new meds.  Praise God from whom ALL blessings flow.

Please keep Craig and his wife in your prayers. (Friends of Gracie Lautaret) Craig’s wife was hit by an 18 wheeler in Dallas last Wednesday. She is at Methodist hospital, has had back surgery and is doing okay, just in a lot of pain. She was pretty banged up but praise God it missed her eye and jaw, but has broken ribs and a number of back and neck injuries. She may go home tomorrow or the next day. Please keep this family in your prayers.
Charlie Johnson’s surgery is being postponed till Friday morning, Dr had another emergency to tend to.  Continue to pray!

Praise ! Everything went well for this last surgery. I’m home now. Kinda nauseated, but glad this part is over with.  Thank you prayer warriors!  Love Gloria Williams

Krysti Taylor’s surgery went well.  She had difficulty waking up, still in recovery with low oxygen. They are probably going to keep her overnight. Please pray her oxygen will come up.

Doug Arthofer is out of surgery and in ICU and the family has been back to see him his blood pressure is good his sugar is good and he’s doing really good.

Please pray for Charlie Johnson.  He had a big fall yesterday and after xrays and MRI has shown he has a ruptured disc at C3.  The disc has been ruptured from an earlier fall.  They will be operating on him Thursday morning as soon as possible.  He is at Good Shepherd in Room E 202. He can have company and his phone number is 903-235-0602.

Nate Williamson is at Children’s Hospital in Dallas. He’s doing great. Eating well and keeping food down

Krysti Taylor, daughter of Jean Taylor is having surgery today at 3:00 PM at Baylor, Dallas.

Doug Arthofer is having open heart surgery now. They started st 2:00 PM at Longview Regional.

Thurman McGuire went to see his neurosurgeon yesterday.  He got a clean bill of health and doesn’t want to see him again!  Thurman is still struggling with his eyesight but some of that is expected to come back.

Charlie Johnson took a good fall in the yard this afternoon. Ambulance took him to Good Shepherd. He’s in ER. He is able to move his arms and legs. They are doing an Xray and Catscan.  Pray for him and Sandy.

Jenny Johnson is at The Hill in rehab from hip replacement.

Beverly Miller is in rehab from hip replacement at Good Shepherd in Longview, room 2236, and is improving.  (Limited # of minutes on her phone).

Leanne Sparks (member in Holly Fondren’s LifeGroup) step-mom passed away.  Prayers for this family.

Mike Fincher will have a heart stint put in Friday, August 9 at Longview Regional. Please lift him up in your prayers.

Doug Arthofer will be admitted to Longview Regional on Tuesday afternoon and surgery will be Wednesday morning. Please keep him in your prayers.

Barry Miller’s brother, Bill, is in a facility in Minnesota to be evaluated because of his current health. Depending on the results he will either be sent home to live or live in another type of facility.

Please pray for Nate Williamson, Tommy & Layna’s 7 week old baby. He is in Regional with a stomach virus.

Pray for Doug Arthofer. His heart surgery will be next week at Longview Regional.

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