
How To Become A Christian

God’s Purpose
God loves you and wants you to experience peace and life: abundant and eternal. John 3:16

Our Problem
Man chooses to disobey and go his own willful way. This results in separation from God. Romans 3:23

God’s Remedy
Jesus Christ is the only answer to this problem of separation. His death and resurrection make a new life possible for all who believe. Romans 6:23

Our Response
We must trust Jesus and receive Him by personal invitation. Romans 10:9-10

How To Become A Member

By profession of faith and baptism:
If you have received, or wish to receive Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and Lord, and will be baptized by immersion as a representation of your faith.

By letter:
As a Baptist whose church membership is elsewhere, if you have trusted Christ and been baptized by immersion, we will take care of the details of transferring your membership.

By statement:
If you come from another denomination or your letter in a Baptist church is no longer available, we will welcome you by statement. Those coming by statement must meet the following three conditions:

1) You have received Jesus as your Lord and Savior.

2) You have been baptized by immersion after your conversion in a church of like faith.

3) You believe your baptism was not for salvation, but was a testimony that you have already received Jesus.

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