At Woodland Hills we try to meet the needs of our members and community. We have several Bible study opportunities throughout the year to grow in Biblical literacy and understanding. Find a place to belong as we study God’s word together through our women’s studies, coed studies, and discipleship classes.
Take a look at our groups and see if you can find somewhere to get involved!
- Tuesday evenings | 6:00 | Children of Issachar | Led by Ronnie Jones | Loop Campus Chapel
- Tuesday evenings | 7:00 | College Bible Study | Led by Evan Hill | Mason Creek Campus
- Wednesday mornings| 11:30 | Mastering Your Emotions | Led by Christa Oberthier | Loop Campus Parlor
- Wednesday evenings | 6:00 | Experiencing the Presence of God | Led by Mark & Monica Kuykendall | Fellowship Hall
- Wednesday evenings | 6:00 | Follow Me Bible Study | Led by Philip Flowers | Room C-107
- Thursday mornings | 9:00 | Women’s Bible Study-The Study of Joseph | Led by Monica Kuykendall | Loop Campus Parlor