Bible Studies & Classes

At Woodland Hills we try to meet the needs of our members and community. We have several Bible study opportunities throughout the year to grow in Biblical literacy and understanding.  Find a place to belong as we study God’s word together through our women’s studies, coed studies, and discipleship classes.

Take a look at our groups and see if you can find somewhere to get involved!

  • Tuesday evenings | 6:00 | Children of Issachar | Led by Ronnie Jones | Loop Campus Chapel
  • Tuesday evenings | 7:00 | College Bible Study | Led by Evan Hill | Mason Creek Campus
  • Wednesday mornings| 11:30 | Mastering Your Emotions | Led by Christa Oberthier | Loop Campus Parlor
  • Wednesday evenings | 6:00 | Experiencing the Presence of God | Led by Mark & Monica Kuykendall | Fellowship Hall
  • Wednesday evenings | 6:00 | Follow Me Bible Study | Led by Philip Flowers | Room C-107
  • Thursday mornings | 9:00 | Women’s Bible Study-The Study of Joseph | Led by Monica Kuykendall | Loop Campus Parlor

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