Christmas for Kenya

Christmas for Kenya: Shoebox Gifts for Children at Kemodo Academy

This Christmas season, we have a special opportunity to share the love of Jesus with children at Kemodo Academy in Busia, Kenya. By packing a shoebox full of thoughtful gifts, we can bring joy, hope, and the Good News to children who may be receiving a gift for the very first time.

What’s in a Shoebox? Each shoebox is a powerful symbol of God’s love, packed with a selection of small toys, hygiene items, and school supplies. Here are the essentials for your box:

  1. “Wow” Item: Choose something medium to large that will bring an instant smile—a soccer ball (with a pump), a stuffed animal, or a special toy.
  2. Fun Toys: Add other small toys that will be fun and engaging for the children, such as cars, dolls, jump ropes, or puzzles.
  3. School Supplies: Basic items like pencils, crayons, notebooks, and erasers will help children at Kemodo Academy with their education, giving them the tools they need to succeed.
  4. Personal Care Items: Soap, a toothbrush, comb, or washcloth can be essential gifts that make a huge difference in their daily lives.
  5. Amazon has a Shoebox store that you can take advantage of or give you some ideas!

Add a Personal Touch Along with the items, include a personal note and a photo of yourself or your family. Often, this becomes the child’s favorite part of the box—something they treasure and hold close.

Most Important of All: Pray Each shoebox represents a tangible expression of God’s immense love. Pray for the child who will receive your gift, that their heart will be opened to the message of hope and salvation through Jesus Christ.

How to Help Packing a shoebox is just the beginning. Each box needs $10 to cover the cost of shipping, ensuring your gift reaches Kenya safely. You can donate online at under “OTHER” and in the note section add “Kenya Christmas.”  Boxes will be available at the church.

Together, we can bless children around the world with more than just gifts—we can share the Gospel and be part of a life-changing mission. Let’s make this Christmas one they’ll never forget!



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